Saturday, September 06, 2008

Tagged by Jue Lyn.

1. A picture of you in the most unique environment:

2. A picture of you at somewhere you dislike:
Why would i wanna be there?

3. A picture of someone that means a lot to you:
GA rox my sox! lol..

The real love of my life.. Mummy Dearest..

4. A picture of you with your best smile (mouth open):

5. A picture of you with your best smile (mouth close):

6. A picture of your lamest pose:
:D. No i dont play the piano.

7. A picture of someone that stands on top of you heart
Shaleeni Jayamani
Want her contacts? Mail me

8. A picture of you with some toys or cute stuff:
Walking Barbie!

9. A picture of you in a white shirt:

10. A few candid pictures of you and your friends:

(changed the quest :P)
High Skool Mates

Party people

Choir Singers

11. A picture of the person who tagged you:


Tagging Shaleeni Jayamani coz u're a certified cam whorer too!

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